Monday, January 30, 2012


Avada Kedavra! What is death to you? To me, it means whatever begin must have an end to it and to my personal comprehension, death doesn't always means bad. Same goes to the legacy of Harry Potter, for the ending of it meant a huge success to the franchise, and J.K. Rowling as the author will finally take a bow to the only imagination that has made her a millionaire.

Thus coincidentally this factor of death in the finale for the series has become the major theme of the storyline; either in reality or fantasy. Therefore let me bring you the depths of my words to instill the magic of death written in 'The Deathly Hallows' visualized by Harry Potter into the big screen of cinema.

"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it."
::: Prof. Albus Dumbledore

The most factor to be a chosen one is to be 'the only one' & being the only one in this manner will not be fascinating—though appeared famously important yet heroic. In many related stories beside Harry Potter, the chosen one will always be interpreted as someone who needs to self-sacrifice in order to bring the light back before the dark takes over the world & haunt the society forever. Most of them are born as the only child & being the only one means a lot to the world chaotic diversion; a magnet to darkness. Like most people who tend to strive their effort to be the only one in the competition of power, this is unlikely strive of the chosen one, because they know their effort will only leads to a certain path, to face death itself—The Deathly Hallows. The chosen one like Harry Potter, he didn't have much choice to live but to play by the rules of his fate to save the soul of many from being taken by darkness like Lord Voldemort. People like Harry Potter, though his life is so fascinating for us to watch & read, but as to the person himself, we might have to re evaluate such thought from being fascinating might well be defined as terrifying.    

In this moment as the one who will decide the safety of others, Harry Potter must always prepare to die. Remember when I said the chosen one is 'a magnet to darkness'? Yes, the real competition of power for Harry Potter is to cheat death so the darkness will be cheated to live for death. Confused? You must always remember that to be the chosen one, the final fight will always be 'one against the darkness'. Many will only help in leading ways to the finale but cannot assist during its end, the chosen one will have to wisely decide. As to Harry Potter, the most hardest part to decide during this finale is not about the fight, but what is the best way to keep the darkness away from the people, especially those who have sacrifice their life to see him reach the finale & fight Lord Voldemort who will try every scheme to persuade people not to believe in the chosen one.  
"So do not cry for that! He's not worthy of your tears. Do not despair at his betrayal. You, none of you, were ever in his heart. Not for one single, solitary beat." 
::: Lord Voldemort

Look at the dark side,  we have another single child, Lord Voldemort or say, the chosen one to darkness, or can we define it that way?! No! Darkness is chosen by one while light chose the one, so Lord Voldemort maybe a single child but he chose his path to darkness in order to gain a greater power to conquer the world. As you can see, to lead the darkness, Lord Voldemort needs to take cover behind his fellow supporters in order to succeed in frontier to gain the greater power. But his power was trapped in the fate of a single child, the chosen one, Harry Potter. To gain back what he had lost to the chosen one, he must formed the board of evils—The Death Eaters. Unlike Harry Potter, he doesn't need to form a board of saints, because as the chosen one, he is already chosen (a mysterious scar on his forehead as a result) & without further persuasion, more will find their lead to support Harry Potter instead of Lord Voldemort.

Lord Voldemort is just another pity standard of 'bad vs evil', a new definition of saying of how a person try to look good in the face of evil & spoke of right for others as an empowerment for his own benefit. Or according to the writer herself (J.K. Rowling) who described him as "raging psychopath, devoid of the normal human responses to other people's suffering". When it comes to the Dark Lord, the reason of being one is always driven by one certain pathetic reason—loveless. His inability to understand love constraint his need for human companionship or friendship, & cannot comprehend love or affection for another. So what is so fascinating about Lord Voldemort? The power of evil maybe humongously exciting for all the damages it can do to blow your mind. But who knows, what blows your mind might blow you to desertion or simply said "Enough is enough!".    

For everything to start, you only need one to pull the trigger & to make sure you shoot at the right target, you only need an expert to get it done. Who knows that an idea of a character that dropped out of nowhere into her head in 1990, has become one of the world's most famous character to date. By such impact, who would've guessed that a poor lady of nobody named Joanne Rowling suddenly burst to be the world's most famous author named J.K. Rowling. So you see, people like J.K. Rowling & character like Harry Potter doesn't need to prove anyone that they're the chosen one in this creative industry. They just do what they're meant to do, they believe in their vision to do what's right for them & by right, the world will comprehend to their fate to become a part of your life. You don't have to be a wizard to do it, for the magic will spell itself in the form of one fate...    

"It is the quality of one's convictions that determines success, not the number of followers."
::: Remus Lupin

As the big fan of Harry Potter novel series, we're perfectly convicted that 'Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows' pursued a much grown up Harry Potter & friends to correct their adolescence period that will perfectly resembled those visualized in the movie adaptation. Furthermore, it's written in the epilogue chapter of the novel that they will pass the period and "The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well."

NOTE: I've watched this movie on the first day (14th July 2011) it was released in Malaysia (same day I'd watched 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon'). But it took me many days to spell my own review to finally release content of my farewell to the best world of wizardry ever created. The series has completed its journey  through books & movies. I hope my review will bring new depth to your understanding of the finale, but if you can't read the words correctly, maybe someone has put a spell on you to block your trust in me, so let me spell you with my wand...

Finite Incantatem!

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