Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Are you tired, darling? Are you feeling fatigued of waiting for our emotional in love being reconciled? There's no wait that even more painful than waiting for us to be together; in the moment to develop memories of us having life as two in one for others to see our freedom. But...

"I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence. Fear is such a weak emotion thats why I despise it. We scared of almost everything, afraid to even tell the truth. So scared of what you think of me, I'm scared of even telling you. Sometimes I'm like the only person I feel safe to tell it to. I'm locked inside a cell in me, I know that there's a jail in you. Consider this your bailing out, so take a breath, inhale a few. My screams is finally getting free, my thoughts is finally yelling through... — Words I Never Said [Lupe Fiasco (fet. Skyler Grey)]

Yes, there's always 'but' just because we like to procrastinate about the truth of our feeling. The longer we wait, the emotion has become dry, like a leaf I found on the street—rotten, waiting to be swept away by who knows... a moving wheel, shoe soles or maybe by a broom of the street cleaner. Even when this leaf is maybe going to be taken by a curious pedestrian, I don't think I will last long in the heart of a stranger that I don't deeply love.

Only you has the magic to make me green again...

"I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over. If I'm wrong, I am right. Don't need to look no further, This ain't lust, I know this is love. But, if I tell the world, I'll never say enough, 'cause it was not said to you. And that's exactly what I need to do If I end up with you... " — Chasing Pavements [Adele]
... and I'll be around when you need me, come to me if you are free, imagine me in your mind if you are lonely and reach me every time you miss me. Soon, I'll do the same... or else, we'll be faking our heart till the end of our life.    

Monday, January 30, 2012


Menghadapi kemerdekaan tanpa cinta,
Kau takkan mengerti segala lukaku,
Kerna cinta telah sembunyikan pisaunya...

Bayangkan wajahmu adalah seksa,
Kesepian adalah ketakutan dan kelumpuhan.

Engkau telah menjadi racun bagi darahku.

Apabila aku dalam kangen dan sepi,
itulah bererti aku tungku tanpa api...

"Tiada kebetulan di dunia ini kerana semuanya telah ditentukan Tuhan. Pertemuan juga bukan satu kebetulan, kerana itu kehendak Tuhan buat mengenal jodoh kita. Namun mengapa tiada hukum yang dapat menyatukan kita secara sempurna? Itu... kita lihat saja nanti." 
::: Diinspirasikan daripada '3 HATI 2 DUNIA 1 CINTA'


"Everything is feeling really familiar & that's not good. The solution is to tear down my process & rebuild it from scratch. It's not an incremental process. It has to be scorched earth. I have to stop making films & maybe later come at it from a different angle. It would be abnormal to keep going, an insult to the art form."
— said Steven Soderbergh to The Times

Best known for his 'Erin Brokovich', 'Traffic', 'Ocean's Eleven', 'Ocean's Twelve', 'Ocean's Thirteen', 'Full Frontal', 'The Informant!' & among others, more than 20 movies he has directed.

It was at the age of 26 years old that he got his first pride in the International Film Industry as a director through 'Sex, Lies & Videotapes' (1989 film), by winning Palme d'Or award at Cannes Film Festival. While at that similar age, I got my first pride in the Malaysia Comic Industry by becoming sub-editor for a local comic magazine, GEMPAK™ that soon later became one of the Malaysia's best selling magazine in the respective industry. So when he decided to quit his position as one of the best director in the Hollywood film industry—his decision came after 22 years while mine came after 10 years.

He is planning to focus more on his painting while I want to focus more on my comic arts. You might saying, am I bragging over my achievement in the Malaysia Comic Industry by comparing it with the Academy Award's winner? Why Should I?! When all I wanted to do is making a prove that in life...

When we got stuck up to familiarity,
art don't prevail in such manner.

Maybe Soderbergh has given so much in his directorial career that he wants to get back to what he enjoys most, painting. Same goes to me! I've done so much for the GEMPAK™ magazine as a sub editor then editor; wrote lots of articles, trained a lot of people for their best, convinced a lot of clients & at the same time able to draw comics; published at least 4 books. Things got to change, if you don't decide early before it's too late—before hurricane strikes your fate, do it on time while you can!

Maybe most of his fans hoped after filming 'Side Effects' (2013 film), he might changes his mind & directs a few more movies. But I hope he will not do that & keeps on focus on his plan to pursue painting. At my age of 37 years old (this coming 14th February 2012), I feel overly old already because I've done so much to my life, gave up so much of my love line. While he is already 49 years old (a few months older than Brad Pitt) & already a benchmark to the respective career, which is the best time to call it a "CUT!" & moves on to his own favourite "ACTION!"

My saying is...

Why stay firm to something that makes you a hit but unhappy compared by doing something makes you steady but happy.


"I just figured, looking at your sheet, that since you sold grass to a uniformed police officer that you must be retarded."
— Omar (Parole Officer)

Kalau korang terjemahkan perkataan idiot ke Bahasa Melayu, terjemahannya ialah bodoh yakni sama dengan maksud stupid. Tetapi mengikut kamus Bahasa Inggeris, maksud idiot & stupid memang berbeza. Tetapi dalam kamus saya sendiri, idiot bermaksud bahlol & stupid bermaksud bodoh.

Manusia jenis bodoh ni ialah yang taktau apa² tentang sesuatu perkara tetapi beria-ia kata diorang tau. Niat diorang cuma nak tunjuk pandai depan orang lain walau pada hakikatnya memang terang-terang bodoh. Penampilan diorang ni nampak macam pandai sebab suka melebih dalam banyak perkara, atau senang kata ego tinggi, tetapi dalam lebih banyak perkara diorang ni memang sangat bodoh. Perumpamaannya kalau korang dok tepi curam yang dalam dengan si bodoh ni, diorang takkan rasa gayat (atau takkan mengaku diorang gayat) tapi diorang akan terlambat untuk tahu bahawa niat korang ialah untuk tolak diorang jatuh gaung!

"Just because you're straight doesn't mean you're homophobic."
— Jeremy

Berbeza dengan manusia jenis bahlol ni, diorang pandai berhidup tetapi sangat lurus bendul & tak pandai berpura-pura! Nak kata diorang ni top-scorer kat sekolah pun tak juga tapi sekurang-kurangnya apa yang diorang belajar, diorang boleh ingat. Tapi satu jer yang bahaya tentang si bahlol ni, diorang belajar apa yang boleh layan di kepala diorang jer. Paksalah camner pun, takkan dilayannya. Namun dari sudut positif, si bahlol ni boleh dikatakan sangat jujur sampai mampu memecah-belahkan perhubungan orang lain dengan kejujurannya tu. Camner? Bahlol tak bijak simpan rahsia orang lain kecuali untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. Kenapa? Secara psikologinya diorang ni penyayang tapi tak sayang mulut! 

"You don't tell your parole officer that you just got high."
— Omar (Parole Officer)

Tak kiralah siapa pun, selagi korang tak mempelajari sesuatu subjek sampai pandai, jangan memandai nak mengkritik orang lain yang berkaitan dengan subjek tersebut. Sebagai contoh, kalau sebutan bahasa Inggeris korang pun tak betul jangan nak kritik sebutan nyanyian bahasa Inggeris Dato' CT Nurhaliza tu gagal, faham? Sekurang-kurangnya yang terbitkan album dia tu memang dilahirkan berbahasa Inggeris bukan seperti korang, para pengkritik bodoh. Pada sesiapa yang berkawan dengan si bodoh ni memang menyedihkan sebab terpaksa melayan kebodohan diorang hingga nak memperbetulkan pun tak dapat sebab pendirian bodoh diorang!

Seperkara tentang manusia bahlol ni, diorang memang spesis kasihan. Percayalah, diorang bukan jenis manusia yang suka menyakitkan hati sesiapa tetapi kerana penyakit bahlol, sebaik manapun diorang ada banyak perkara tentang diorang yang kita tak boleh ambil hati. Sebagai contoh apabila korang hendak mengadu tentang sipolan kepada si bahlol ni, pastikan korang bersedia untuk penangan sipolan apabila aduan korang sampai ke pengetahuannya. Yeap! Bahlol ni memang jujur tetapi tidak pandai menjaga hati orang lain apabila menuturkan kebenaran. Diorang tidak berniat untuk mencetuskan peperangan hanya kerana tidak pandai mengawal maklumat... memang sedeyyy

Secara logiknya, setiap daripada korang sebagai manusia memang ada penyakit bahlol. Tetapi penyakit tersebut taklah begitu ketara kalau korang sedar akan kebahlolan korang untuk diperakui & diperbaiki. Yang menjadi bahlolnya korang apabila korang tak sedar betapa bodohnya korang untuk tidak mengakuinya hingga menjadi jenaka orang. Semakin korang membiarkan diri korang diperbodohkan, maka semakin jelaslah betapa bahlolnya korang di pengetahuan ramai. Bila semua dah tahu, itu bukan bodoh lagi tapi memang sah dah bahlol!


P/S: Kalau korang marahkan penulis dengan artikel ni nyatalah korang dalam kategori bodoh, tetapi kalau korang tak faham dengan artikel ni memang korang dalam kategori bahlol. Namun jika korang berdamai dengan artikel ni... you know what I mean, heh! *wink*


When I first watched 'THE DESCENT' (2005 film), my interpretation is this...

When a tragic accident killed Paul & their daughter, Jessica—all that's left for Sarah was the hurting truth that her best friend, Juno had a love affair sexually with her late husband. But she kept the secret to herself, keeping the hurt inside & lied to Juno as if she knew nothing...

After the tragic accident that killed Paul, all Juno ever wanted was to amend her own mistake for having love affair sexually with the husband of her best friend, Sarah. So Juno plan on discovering a new cave, hopefully it can be named after her & Sarah, in a way to apologize for her mistake of friendship's betrayal.

Yet what's done was done, you can't fix what's wrong you've done. But you can at least admit & ask for forgiveness. Just don't drag everyone else into more danger. Why choose the hardest path for an apology when you can simply do it by saying "I'm sorry..."

So the first story ended showing Sarah succeeded in finding her way out of the haunted cave, leaving everyone dead inside it to be eaten by the creatures that Juno called as 'DEATH' in 'THE DESCENT PART 2' (2009 film).

In this PART 2 showed the lucky Juno survived the terror inside the haunted cave. But this time around, the guilt was with Sarah who left Juno fought the creatures with one leg injured (by Sarah) during their final journey to escape (in PART 1).
When you lie to someone, you thought you can get away from it. Well... if you lie more than once, each of the lie will be an iron bar to build a prison for you.

Sarah seemed to have more lies compared to Juno in PART 2. She lied her way to escape, she lied to save others, she lied to betray Juno, she even lied her way out of her own misery! She's a liar to herself that has made her trapped in her own prison.
In the end, Sarah has no way to escape but trapped in her own guilt after discovered proved that Juno is still a best friend she first knew—someone who will do anything for her friends' joyous moment. Yet, Sarah who kept her heart with vengeance always in doubt to tolerate forgiveness.

So the journey of 'THE DESCENT PART 2' is a journey to amend betrayal so it can become trust again. But, it's not that easy when all around you are DEATH & your route to escape is covered by darkness. Even worse, to avoid DEATH is to be in silence. Therefore helping others is not an option to escape from feeling guilty. There's no time to be afraid, there's no time to envy, there's no time to get emotional, there's only time for you to find your way out & escape.. silently.

"Don't worry, it's just your mind playing tricks on you." said Sarah once to Elen Rios in order to comfort the lady. But in fact, she meant it to remind herself too because she has more fear to herself than any of the terrifying DEATH that is hunting her. Because if she was able to escape from the cave, she would still being end up guilty leaving Juno as bait to the DEATH!

"Everything you just said, you tell it to her face. We're not dead yet."
— Sarah Carter


"It's one thing to think that you're the center of the universe — it's another thing entirely to have this confirmed by an ancient prophecy."
—Douglas Adams

Pernah tak korang terfikir, sudah cukup pentingkah korang untuk jadi penting? Atau sudah cukup bertanggung-jawabkah korang untuk jadi penting? Persoalannya sekarang berapa ramai diantara kita kalau boleh hendak sangat diri terasa penting & bila sudah diberi tanggungjawab tu, mulalah merungut ntah apa-apa! Ada yang berangan nak jadi ketua bahagian, nak jadi pengerusi syarikat & ada juga yang berangan nak jadi Yang Dipertuan Agong! Apa sudah pentingkah korang nak mendabik dada jadi penting kalau definisi jadi penting tu pun sendiri korang tak dapat bertoleransi? Pernah tak korang terfikir kalau korang dilahirkan memang terpaksa jadi penting sampai terpaksa mengorbankan kepentingan diri?! Sebagai contoh meh saya senaraikan beberapa watak filem (feveret saya!) yang taknak jadi penting tapi terpaksa gak jadi camtu, kalau tak masa depan umat manusia akan terancam. Semak!


Spesis Hobbit yang tak dinafikan berperangai lain daripada yang lain. Suka mengembara & menyaksikan dunia luar. Seorang yang berhati baik & tidak pernah membunuh! Dia bertanggung-jawab menyelamatkan Middle-Earth dengan membawa One Ring kepada kemusnahan. Kegagalannya berbuat demikian bakal menyaksikan kejahatan bangkit mengatasi kebaikan, namun jika dia berjaya... dia tidak akan dapat jadi seorang raja atau menguasai Middle-Earth, namun jasanya akan dikenang sampai bila-bila.


Di alam tanpa magik, dia hanyalah manusia yang tidak berkepentingan. Namun di dunia magik kat Hogwart, dia adalah seorang ahli sihir yang sangat penting kerana hanya dia dapat menghapuskan Lord Voldermort! Mahu atau tidak, Harry Potter harus menghadapi takdirnya itu. Mengelak bermaksud mementingkan diri sendiri & melihat dunia di kuasai oleh kejahatan, namun menghadapinya bermaksud dia menempah maut. 


Dia mungkin tidak tahu siapa dia sebenarnya, namun sesudah tahu, kenyataan itu amat payah untuk diterima, apatah lagi kenyataan itu memaksa dirinya untuk menjadi wira. Dengan masalah psikologinya menghidap dyslexia & ADHD, dia harus bertanggung-jawab atas siapa dirinya (anak Poseidon yang berupaya ke atas lightning bolt) atau umat manusia bakal terancam oleh peperangan para dewa! 


Inilah contoh makhluk asing yang ingin hidup seperti manusia biasa namun apapun impiannya itu, dengan kuasa yang ada, ia dikira mustahil! Apabila manusia semakin tamak, kuasa semakin melangkaui kemampuan & semakin banyak kuasa jahat tidak boleh ditangani hanya dengan senjata atau pihak berkuasa (polis/tentera), maka berdiam diri bukanlah sesuatu yang wajar buat dirinya. Mahu atau tidak, untuk menjadi manusia biasa, dia harus menangani semua isu ini sampai... mungkin sampai bila-bila.


Dia ni boleh dikategorikan sebagai 'accidental hero', wira yang terbentuk akibat terperangkap dalam situasi! Kalau tak kerana dia beli kereta Bumblebee, mungkin nasibnya lambatlah untuk jadi wira yang terpilih. Namun kalau dah takdir tetap takdir sebab dia adalah waris kepada Archibald Witwicky, penjelajah Artik yang bertanggung-jawab mengaktifkan INS (Inertial Navigation System) Megatron & merekodkan kedudukan All Spark di bumi! Kedatangan Transformers di era Sam Witwicky untuk meraih All Spark menjadikannya waris yang dipertanggungjawabkan jadi 'tour guide' buat robot-robot tersebut...


Sejak berusia 2 tahun dia sudah fasih bercakap dalam 19 jenis bahasa, boleh tahu banyak perkara yang tidak pernah diterokainya & paling penting... dia punca ramai orang saling berbunuhan. Rupa-rupanya rahim dia ada mengandungkan sesuatu yang sangat penting buat ajaran sesat, Neolites; kembar dengan kebijaksanaan yang supernatural! Neolites percaya dengan kejayaan menjadikan Aurora bahan eksperimen dengan menelan sejenis pil hingga mampu mengandungkan anak kembar super-bijaksana, ramai akan menganut agama Neolites. Namun mangsanya... Aurora.


Phaedra (the Oracle) boleh meramal kedudukan Epirus Bow yang menjadi harapan kuasa jahat Hyperion membangkitkan Titans demi memusnahkan kuasa para dewa di bawah kekuasaan Olympus. Manakala Thedeus tanpa sedar merupakan anak kepada Aethra dengan berbapakan Aegeus & Poseidon sekaligus. Dengan kenyataan ini, kedua-dua mereka tidak akan boleh terlepas daripada takdir bahawa... they're meant for such fate!

"Destiny is unstoppable. Everyone has to give in... Give up—let life win."


Dalam masyarakat Indo-Melayu (Nusantara), saka adalah jin yang disebut menjalin perjanjian hidup dengan manusia yang bersekutu. Melalui perjanjian ini, manusia dan jin tersebut memeterai kontrak saling lindung-melindungi dan ia mestilah berterusan untuk diwarisi oleh generasi seterusnya. Namun jika kontrak dilangggar, maka salah satu pihak akan menerima padah... dan selalunya manusia. Bagaimanapun dalam era moden sekarang ini, permainan saka dalam masyarakat tersebut semakin dilupuskan dan tidak mustahil dengan tindakan ini, golongan jin semakin hilang kelebihannya mendampingi manusia secara rasmi. Namun di negara Barat, fenomena ini dilihat dalam perspektif yang lebih terkini...

"For six hundred years we taught you to control your impulses with reason, then in 1910 we stepped back. Within fifty years, you'd brought us World War I, the Depression, Fascism, the Holocaust and capped it off by bringing the entire planet to the brink of destruction in the Cuban Missile Crisis. At that point a decision was taken to step back in again before you did something that even we couldn't fix. You don't have free will, David. You have the appearance of free will."
— Thompson

Tetapi itu tidak bermakna jin adalah makhluk yang pendek akal dan tidak mampu melihat kemampuan lain dalam mendominasi kawalan ke atas manusia. Justeru jika mereka kehilangan peluang untuk bersekutu secara langsung, mereka masih ada kelebihan untuk mengawal gerak-geri manusia termasuk mengacau takdir cinta seperti yang dilakukan ke atas David Norris dan Elise Sellas melalui Biro Penyelarasan (The Adjustment Bureau) mereka!

Ada pepatah mengatakan insan yang terpilih adalah seseorang yang mampu mengubah dunia kerana bakat yang diperolehinya, dan gerak-geri insan sebegini adalah yang paling diperhati oleh alam semesta (lebih hebat daripada wartawan/paparazzi!) terutamanya bagi golongan makhluk penyesat. Atas kelebihan itu, insan ini turut menjadi perhatian masyarakat jin dan diantara mereka ingin menjadi saka kepada insan tersebut. Namun jika insan tersebut tercipta untuk tidak dikuasai oleh saka, maka setiap takdirnya akan diganggu-gugat bagi memastikan matlamat menguasai kelebihan insan ini akan tetap terlaksana.

Alam jin dewasa seiring dengan kedewasaan umat manusia hingga tertubuhnya biro saka alaf baru. Jika kita anggap kemampuan mereka melemah, itulah ada sangkaan kita semata-mata kerana janji mereka akan terus dikota selagi umat manusia masih makhluk yang terhebat di muka bumi ini berbanding makhluk-makhluk yang lain.

"It is a surprise. Such political promise, his compelling story. He grew up in a rough neighborhood in Brooklyn, he overcame the loss of his entire family. His mother and his brother when he was ten, his father before he got to high school. He got over that. He had such promise." — Mary Matalin.
Salah satu misi biro saka ini ialah melihat potensi-potensi manusia yang ada ciri-ciri kepimpinan yang tinggi untuk dinodai hala tuju mereka ke arah yang tidak baik, agar perubahan akan terus kepada merosakkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Jika tidak dapat telus kepada mereka secara interaksi langsung, biro ini akan cuba mengusik takdir mereka agar matlamat biro untuk membawa kepimpinan manusia ke arah kehancuran dan dominasi kesesatan menjadi kenyataan.

"But here's the problem, this isn't even my tie. This tie was selected for me by a group of specialists, in Tenafly New Jersey, who chose it over fifty six other ties we tested. In fact, our data su...suggests that I have to stick to either a tie that is red or a tie that is blue. A yellow tie made it look as if I was taking my situation lightly and I may in fact pull my pants down at any moment. A silver tie meant that I'd forgotten my roots. My shoes, you know shiny shoes we associate with a high priced lawyers and bankers. If you want to get a working mans vote you need to scuff up your shoes a little bit, but you can't scuff 'em so much that you alienate the lawyers and the bankers, cause you need them to pay for the specialist back in Tenafly." — David Norris
Salah satu kelemahan manusia ialah cinta, dan kekuatan biro saka dalam menyesatkan manusia adalah menyesatkan rasa cinta mereka. Biro ini tahu bahawa kekuatan jahat seorang manusia sebagai pemimpin mudah dinyalakan dengan membuat mereka gagal dalam bercinta lalu memilih seorang pendamping (cinta alternatif) yang disenangi dalam melempiaskan nafsu mereka ketika jiwa tertekan. Maksudnya, seorang manusia berjiwa kepimpinan yang patah hati kerana gagal bercinta, senang dihasut untuk memilih pasangan lain yang lebih disenangi dalam memuaskan nafsu seks mereka agar sentiasa rileks dalam menyusuri dunia kepimpinan yang lebih 'bernikmat dunia' berbanding 'nurani yang murni'; yang penting pasangan mereka itu juga mempunyai ideologi yang sama seperti yang diharapkan oleh biro.

Namun tidak semua manusia yang mempunyai kelebihan pada dirinya suka mengheret kelebihan itu ke arah yang boleh meluputkan jati dirinya sebagai manusia biasa; yang ingin dicintai dan mencintai setulus hati. Justeru ada diantaranya sanggup turun ke bawah untuk naik kembali bersama yang tercinta...

"Okay, I can go through this door, alone. You'll never see me or the people chasing us again. Or you can come with me, and I don't know what's on the other side, but I'd know you'd be next to me. And that's all I wanted since the minute I met you."
— David Norris

"Most people live life on the path we set for them, too afraid to explore any other. But once in a while people like you come along who knock down all the obstacles we put in your way. People who realize freewill is a gift that you'll never know how to use until you fight for it. I think that's the chairman's real plan. And maybe, one day, we won't write the plan. You will."

— Harry Mitchell


Avada Kedavra! What is death to you? To me, it means whatever begin must have an end to it and to my personal comprehension, death doesn't always means bad. Same goes to the legacy of Harry Potter, for the ending of it meant a huge success to the franchise, and J.K. Rowling as the author will finally take a bow to the only imagination that has made her a millionaire.

Thus coincidentally this factor of death in the finale for the series has become the major theme of the storyline; either in reality or fantasy. Therefore let me bring you the depths of my words to instill the magic of death written in 'The Deathly Hallows' visualized by Harry Potter into the big screen of cinema.

"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it."
::: Prof. Albus Dumbledore

The most factor to be a chosen one is to be 'the only one' & being the only one in this manner will not be fascinating—though appeared famously important yet heroic. In many related stories beside Harry Potter, the chosen one will always be interpreted as someone who needs to self-sacrifice in order to bring the light back before the dark takes over the world & haunt the society forever. Most of them are born as the only child & being the only one means a lot to the world chaotic diversion; a magnet to darkness. Like most people who tend to strive their effort to be the only one in the competition of power, this is unlikely strive of the chosen one, because they know their effort will only leads to a certain path, to face death itself—The Deathly Hallows. The chosen one like Harry Potter, he didn't have much choice to live but to play by the rules of his fate to save the soul of many from being taken by darkness like Lord Voldemort. People like Harry Potter, though his life is so fascinating for us to watch & read, but as to the person himself, we might have to re evaluate such thought from being fascinating might well be defined as terrifying.    

In this moment as the one who will decide the safety of others, Harry Potter must always prepare to die. Remember when I said the chosen one is 'a magnet to darkness'? Yes, the real competition of power for Harry Potter is to cheat death so the darkness will be cheated to live for death. Confused? You must always remember that to be the chosen one, the final fight will always be 'one against the darkness'. Many will only help in leading ways to the finale but cannot assist during its end, the chosen one will have to wisely decide. As to Harry Potter, the most hardest part to decide during this finale is not about the fight, but what is the best way to keep the darkness away from the people, especially those who have sacrifice their life to see him reach the finale & fight Lord Voldemort who will try every scheme to persuade people not to believe in the chosen one.  
"So do not cry for that! He's not worthy of your tears. Do not despair at his betrayal. You, none of you, were ever in his heart. Not for one single, solitary beat." 
::: Lord Voldemort

Look at the dark side,  we have another single child, Lord Voldemort or say, the chosen one to darkness, or can we define it that way?! No! Darkness is chosen by one while light chose the one, so Lord Voldemort maybe a single child but he chose his path to darkness in order to gain a greater power to conquer the world. As you can see, to lead the darkness, Lord Voldemort needs to take cover behind his fellow supporters in order to succeed in frontier to gain the greater power. But his power was trapped in the fate of a single child, the chosen one, Harry Potter. To gain back what he had lost to the chosen one, he must formed the board of evils—The Death Eaters. Unlike Harry Potter, he doesn't need to form a board of saints, because as the chosen one, he is already chosen (a mysterious scar on his forehead as a result) & without further persuasion, more will find their lead to support Harry Potter instead of Lord Voldemort.

Lord Voldemort is just another pity standard of 'bad vs evil', a new definition of saying of how a person try to look good in the face of evil & spoke of right for others as an empowerment for his own benefit. Or according to the writer herself (J.K. Rowling) who described him as "raging psychopath, devoid of the normal human responses to other people's suffering". When it comes to the Dark Lord, the reason of being one is always driven by one certain pathetic reason—loveless. His inability to understand love constraint his need for human companionship or friendship, & cannot comprehend love or affection for another. So what is so fascinating about Lord Voldemort? The power of evil maybe humongously exciting for all the damages it can do to blow your mind. But who knows, what blows your mind might blow you to desertion or simply said "Enough is enough!".    

For everything to start, you only need one to pull the trigger & to make sure you shoot at the right target, you only need an expert to get it done. Who knows that an idea of a character that dropped out of nowhere into her head in 1990, has become one of the world's most famous character to date. By such impact, who would've guessed that a poor lady of nobody named Joanne Rowling suddenly burst to be the world's most famous author named J.K. Rowling. So you see, people like J.K. Rowling & character like Harry Potter doesn't need to prove anyone that they're the chosen one in this creative industry. They just do what they're meant to do, they believe in their vision to do what's right for them & by right, the world will comprehend to their fate to become a part of your life. You don't have to be a wizard to do it, for the magic will spell itself in the form of one fate...    

"It is the quality of one's convictions that determines success, not the number of followers."
::: Remus Lupin

As the big fan of Harry Potter novel series, we're perfectly convicted that 'Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows' pursued a much grown up Harry Potter & friends to correct their adolescence period that will perfectly resembled those visualized in the movie adaptation. Furthermore, it's written in the epilogue chapter of the novel that they will pass the period and "The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well."

NOTE: I've watched this movie on the first day (14th July 2011) it was released in Malaysia (same day I'd watched 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon'). But it took me many days to spell my own review to finally release content of my farewell to the best world of wizardry ever created. The series has completed its journey  through books & movies. I hope my review will bring new depth to your understanding of the finale, but if you can't read the words correctly, maybe someone has put a spell on you to block your trust in me, so let me spell you with my wand...

Finite Incantatem!


Selepas kontroversi demonstrasi Bersih 2.0 pada 9hb. Julai 2011, secara tidak langsung ia telah memberi impak besar kepada mentaliti saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Sebagai bukti, demonstrasi itu telah berjaya memberi kelainan dalam penghayatan saya menonton filem 'TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON'. Teruskan membaca:

Memanipulasi fakta merupakan salah satu gejala buruk yang telah berlaku di negara Malaysia ini & tidak ketinggalan juga di seluruh dunia terutamanya di negara-negara maju serta yang sedang pesat membangun. Seperti filem ini, ia telah memanipulasi fakta sejarah Apollo 11 sebagai tujuan hiburan & sekaligus membabitkan NASA serta Presiden John. F. Kennedy (presiden Amerika Syarikat ke 35) sebagai dalang dalam pemanipulasian ini. Malah lebih teruk lagi apabila ia juga turut memanipulasi pengalaman krew Apollo 11 menjejaki bulan terutamanya Neil Armstrong. Adakah pembukaan filem ini boleh diterima akal untuk mengharamkan gejala pemanipulasian fakta di sini? Jawapannya tidak kerana pemanipulasian fakta jelas menjurus kepada fiksyen tentang kewujudan makhluk asing Transformers — terang² pengharamannya tidak releven.

Pendaratan Apollo 11 bagi menyiasat kapal angkasa Ark dari Cybertronian berlaku pada tahun 1969, iaitu tahun dimana segalanya berubah menurut penulis Rob Kirkpatrick dalam bukunya berjudul '1969: The Year Everything Changed' (terbitan: Skyhorse Production/Tahun: 2009) yang turut mengisi fakta 'Days of Rage' yang perlu kita renungkan buat negara kita yang boleh dikembangkan kepada perspektif  'Arab Spring'. Relevennya di Malaysia, tahun 1969 menyaksikan segalanya berubah selepas isu 13 Mei & demonstrasi haram Bersih 2.0 yang berlaku baru² ini (selepas 42 tahun) seolah sindrom kepada 'Arab Spring', dikatakan antara yang terburuk selepas 13hb. Mei 1969 sebagai gerakan alternatif (generasi bapa ke anak) bagi memberi injuksi perubahan kepada Pilihanraya Umum.
Motif: Penemuan Ark di bulan memang fiksyen, tetapi gejala memfiksyenkan fakta demi kepentingan politik dalam meraih kuasa perlu diambil serius oleh semua pihak demi kepentingan rakyat, tidak kira pembangkang mahupun yang berkuasa kerajaan. Sebagai contoh kebebasan bersuara melalui internet, lambat laun pasti membosankan apabila fiksyen lebih daripada fakta, seperti sekolah yang tiada cikgunya... penjara yang tiada kawalannya & rumah yang tiada kekeluargaannya.

Sejarah sedia maklum bahawa salah satu objektif pelancaran Apollo 11 pada tahun 1969 adalah wawasan Presiden John F. Kennedy untuk melihat Amerika Syarikat sebagai negara pertama ke bulan sebelum Soviet Union. Berbalik kepada jalan cerita filem ini pula ia menunjukkan wujudnya rahsia kerajaan dimana Soviet Union seolah sudah mendahului Amerika Syarikat ke bulan bila ia menyembunyikan sel kuasa dari kapal Ark di Chernobyl. Seterusnya kewujudan Autobots membantu tentera US dalam memantau keamanan global adalah kerjasama yang dirahsiakan daripada masyarakat dunia. Boleh anda bayangkan siapa Autobots dalam dunia sebenar? Berbalik kepada negara kita, berapa banyak konflik konspirasi yang sedang kita dengar sekarang? Apakah kesudahannya? Yang saya tahu semenjak turunnya Tan Sri Dr. Mahathir Mohamed daripada menjawat jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri, Malaysia tidak habis² dengan konflik konspirasi yang akhirnya membuntukan pemahaman rakyat. Paling teruk usaha mengoptimumkan ekonomi negara selaras dengan perubahan globalisasi sering dipertikaikan dalam iltizam patriotik. Jadi, kalau US dibantu oleh Autobots, adakah negara kita dibantu oleh Decepticons? Masalahnya siapa Prime (Perdana) pilihan rakyat Malaysia; Sentinel atau Optimus? Tidak perlu menuduh, yang pasti dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, bila jadi Prime pasti berkos tinggi... sesuai dengan arus pembangunan dunia. Tidak perlu merungut!

Sentinel Prime adalah pemegang asal Matrix of Leadership bagi Autobots sebelum Optimus Prime. Dia merupakan pencipta The Pillars, teknologi yang mampu membina jambatan angkasa yang boleh teleport dunia Cybertron dimana-mana jua. Berkubur bersama Ark lebih 50 tahun di bulan, dia dihidupkan semula oleh Optimus Prime dengan mengembalikan Matrix of Leadership. Namun kebangkitannya adalah satu pembelotan bukan sahaja buat kerajaan US, tetapi juga buat puaknya sendiri, Autobots! Sebagai seorang pemimpin yang pernah agung di Cybertron, dia kini adalah pemimpin Autobots yang dibenci oleh kerajaan US. Mungkin rakyat bencikan kerajaan US, tetapi kerajaan US bencikan Decepticons. Namun demi kepentingan serta keselamatan rakyat majoritinya, ada kebencian yang terpaksa dituruti walau sedar ada lagi pembelotan di masa akan datang!   
"Indeed I am! What you don't realize my Autobot brothers, is in order to win the war, a deal had to be made... with Megatron."
::: Sentinel Prime

Demi mengembalikan semula populasi Transformers maka Sentinel Prime telah mengambil keputusan untuk bersekutu dengan Megatron, ketua puak pembangkangnya yakni Decepticons tanpa mempedulikan keselamatan dunia, terutamanya kerajaan US yang sedia menawarkannya penempatan baru!
Mungkin prinsip Sentinel Prime boleh dipandang tinggi, yakni mencintai kewarganegaraannya sendiri di Cybertron. Tetapi dengan memusnahkan hak kewarganegaraan penduduk tempatan dunia (di sini US khususnya) yang telah memberinya kelebihan sebagai pendatang, itu jauh lebih hina. Apatah lagi menakluki Chicago & merosakkan harta bendanya untuk mengaktifkan The Pillars bagi membina semula Cybertron; menutup segala aktiviti komunikasi di dalam bandar tersebut daripada pengetahuan tuan rumah serta membunuh populasi rakyat di situ supaya tidak menyebarkan maklumat keluar, memang perbuatan yang keji!

"I'm a slave, but you're Sentinel's bitch!"
::: Carly Spencer

Megatron adalah ketua Decepticons yang sampai mati pun tidak akan berputus asa membuktikan bahawa dia boleh berkuasa! Biarpun dalam filem ke-3 Transformers ini, suku daripada kepalanya sudah dimamah pepijat, mengalah bukan prinsipnya. Bersetuju untuk bersekutu dengan Sentinel Prime hanyalah misi terakhirnya untuk menguasai Cybertron seperti maksudnya bila berkata "He (Sentinel) is my greatest triumph."
Motif: Daripada perspekstif saya, jangan percayakan sesiapa yang tidak mampu mempertahankan negara dari dalam, bukan dari luar! Objektif sekarang bukan kita hendak melihat negara luar memperkatakan yang betul tentang negara kita, tetapi apa yang betul kita perkatakan untuk negara luar. Memang seronok mempercayai orang luar, sebab itu demokrasi, tetapi seronokkah bila tumbangnya kita kerana orang luar? Demokrasi juga namanya, begitu?

Dipermulaan cerita ini selepas babak sejarah Apollo 11, kita akan menyaksikan rentetan babak kerjasama antara Autobots & tentera US di bawah seliaan kerajaannya menjaga keamanan global. Bagaimana menyampahnya kita dengan ketegasan kerajaan itu dalam mengawal kerjasama tersebut seolah-olah kehadiran Autobots masih dianggap sebagai satu ancaman. Seperti biasa, kita juga akan ditanamkan rasa benci kepada sikap kerajaan US yang suka mendokumenkan segala aktiviti & gemar menguasai segala faktor pengawasan dengan ketegasan. Malah lagi menyakitkan hati, kenyataan 'rahsia kerajaan' adalah prinsip utama bagaimana mereka menjaga keselamatan negara. Babak² tersebut telah berkomunikasi dengan minda saya untuk mengaitkannya melalui sentimen yang sama berlaku dalam negara sendiri. Di sana-sini sentimen bencikan kerajaan diselitkan dengan olahan yang sama seperti yang digambarkan di dalam filem ini; tegas, ganas, garang, bengis, sembunyikan kebenaran & seterusnya. Objektif itu lazimnya untuk mendefinasikan kepada rakyat kebangkitan 'anti-statism' & itulah juga saya rasakan yang cuba disampaikan oleh filem ini diawal cerita tentang persepsi rakyatnya terhadap kerajaan US. Apabila kita sampai ke penghujung cerita, persepsi itu sekaligus berubah!

"Everything humans know of our planet we were told had been shared. You lied to us."
::: Optimus Prime 

Charlotte Mearing adalah watak pro-kerajaan yang mewah! Dia dipertanggung-jawab oleh kerajaan untuk menyelia aktiviti tentera US & Autobots demi keselamatan negara. Yang menyakitkan hati bukan sahaja cara dia bekerja, tetapi kemewahan & sikap divanya. Setiausahanya akan memastikan kasutnya ditukar bila masuk ke kem & dia ada lebih daripada 3 jenis beg berjenama! Pertama kali mengenalinya akan buat kita rasa benci, tetapi bukankah itu juga persepsi yang pernah kita berikan kepada Seymour Simmons masa mula² kita mengenalinya dulu? Sesetengah orang memang personaliti mereka menjengkelkan demi negara, tetapi siapalah yang tidak menjengkelkan dalam mempertahankan hak masing², bukan?
"Bee, there's something else going on here. The moon programme, the cover-ups, the assassinations, it's all led to this..."
::: Sam Witwicky

Mungkin sakit hati bila jadi Sam Witwicky yang pernah membantu negaranya daripada kehancuran ditolak oleh kerajaan (melalui Charlotte Mearing semestinya) untuk terlibat sama menjaga keamanan dunia bersama Autobots & tentera US. Lagi menyakitkan hati apabila dia yang pernah menerima pingat cemerlang daripada Presiden Barack Obama terpaksa mencari kerja sendiri seperti orang kebanyakan. Lagi teruk apabila kebesaran pingat tidak menjanjikan kerjaya mudah buatnya. Malah dia turut ditolak bekerja disebuah syarikat yang pro-pembangkang (the republican). Namun dengan bantuan Dylan Gould yang menyakinkan sidang pengarahnya, Sam diterima bekerja di sebuah syarikat telekomuniksi & aero-angkasa sebagai budak penghantar surat. Secara kebetulan, syarikat ini mengamalkan 'Yellow Floor' (Lantai Kuning) & seorang kakitangan yang menggunakan mug bewarna merah telah diaibkan. Babak ini jelas menduga memori saya kepada isu Bersih 2.0 tersebut! 
"Do you know how demoralizing it is that I've saved the world twice and still be groveling for a job. Government knows, I mean they could hook me up with a job right here in D.C. I should be working with the Autobots otherwise it's not fair."
::: Sam Witwicky

Dylan Gould, seorang jutawan yang mempunyai hobi mewah suka mengumpul kereta berjenama & sangat mahal. Secara lahiriah, dia seorang lelaki yang sangat menarik & mampu meraih kepercayaan ramai dengan sikap toleransinya. Namun secara batiniah, dia taksub dengan kemewahan yang dimiliki hingga sanggup menggadai maruah kemanusiaannya kepada Decepticons! Dia adalah antara contoh manusia yang termasuk dalam kategori 'Fear of Poverty' yang disebut oleh Napolean Hill dalam bukunya berjudul 'Think and Grow Rich' (1937) sebagai jenis yang "grew out of man’s inherited tendency to prey upon his fellow man economically (berkembang daripada kecenderungan diwarisi manusia untuk memangsakan rakannya secara ekonomi)".

Motif: Sentimen anti-kerajaan adalah gerakan kuno yang cuba menjatuhkan tampuk pemerintahan yang sedia ada tidak kira kerajaan sedang berkelakuan baik atau buruk, yang penting peralihan kuasa berlaku dipihak yang berebut! Yang menjadi kelebihan sentimen ini ialah teknologi yang semakin canggih sesuai dengan peredaran semasa untuk berkomunikasi terus kepada rakyat demi memperoleh keyakinan mereka. Kalau jangkaan saya betul, mungkin kita sedang berhadapan dengan era kebangkitan anti-statism melalui ideologi Henry David Thoreau (Civil Disobedience) dalam gerakan demokrasi di negara kita.
Seperti saya juga bila menulis reviu ini, jalan cerita filem 'TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON' turut dipengaruhi oleh senario politik di negaranya sendiri yang boleh dikatakan tidak banyak beza dengan kefahaman politik di negara kita. Dalam filem ini, anda akan dikejutkan dengan babak Megatron meletupkan tugu Abraham Lincoln (Tugu 1920) yang terletak di Lincoln Memorial (National Mall, Washington D.C., U.S.A). Seperti yang telah saya sebut tentang anti-statism, ia merupakan salah satu cabang pengaruh The Republican dengan presiden pertamanya ialah Abraham Lincoln iaitu Presiden Amerika Syarikat yang ke-16, dimana Optimus Prime tidak secara langsung dikatakan memiliki ciri² kepimpinan seperti beliau.

Simboliknya filem ini bila menyentuh soal kefahaman politik ialah bagaimana jalan cerita mencernakan fahaman republikan menjadi lebih demokrasi.

"We were once a peaceful race of intelligent mechanical beings. But then came the war, between the Autobots that fought for freedom and the Decepticons that dreamt of tyranny. Over matched and outnumbered, our defeat was all but certain. But in the war's final days one Autobot ship escaped the battle, it was carrying a secret cargo which would have changed our planets fate. A desperate mission, our final hope. A hope that vanished."
::: Optimus Prime

Mungkin disaat menjelangnya Pilihanraya Umum yang akan muncul bila² masa sahaja lagi di Malaysia—pelbagai tohmahan, fitnah, konspirasi, prejudis, hipokrit, skandal, perbalahan agama, isu perkauman & macam² lagi berita sensasi politik akan kita dengar daripada semua pihak yang ingin memerintah. Itu semua adalah asam garam dunia politik yang terpaksa kita, rakyatnya terima sebagai langkah mereka memanipulasi minda kita supaya mencari pihak yang dirasakan sesuai untuk dominan di dalam kerajaan Malaysia.

"Your leaders will now understand: Decepticons will never leave your planet alone, and we needed them to believe we had gone. For today, in the name of freedom, we take the battle to them!"
 ::: Optimus Prime
Motif: Tetapi seteruk manapun yang mereka dakwa krisis di Malaysia, ada negara yang lebih teruk krisisnya dengan ekonomi yang 100% lumpuh! Kita masih boleh bersyukur negara kita ada sistem transformasi ekonomi yang boleh diperbaiki, dasar pembangunan yang boleh dilaksanakan & kebebasan bersuara yang masih terkawal  dasar keceluparannya. Keputusan terakhir di tangan anda sebagai penonton versi Transformers, transformasi bagaimana yang anda mahukan sebagai rakyat di negara demokrasi ini? Errr... saya maksudkan Malaysia bukan Amerika Syarikat! ^_^" 


I'm in serious trouble when watching this movie. I keep seeing Rapunzel is me, Pascal is you my best friend I seldom meet (but support me when motivation I seek!), Maximus is you my best friend (who demotivate me by chasing me whenever you please!), Mother Gothel is you my nightmare (who I planned to leave immediately!) & Eugene is no other than thee... (who owned half of me but hardly to see physically!). The only difference about Rapunzel, she is an 18th years old girl with very super(b)-long blond hair that can shine brighter than gold when she sang...

I can't do that. I've tried a few times but still nothing happen. Seriously my hairs didn't glow, but the curls keep coming as they grow!

On the other hand I'm a dude sexually a mute, who did tried to play a flute but seriously it was out of tune that caused me out of fume (Great! I'm being poetic again... sigh!). Lets just cut the crap & say this movie is 'hairy-awesome-emotionally' to me, personally... and what's that suppose to mean?!!!

Unintentionally perfect, I watched the movie (p-rately) & write this review right on my 36th birthday (by the Islamic calendar), 1st Safar 1432. Frantically what a coincidence, the movie is a story about Rapunzel's birthday wish on her 18th of age (why not 17th like always? D'oh!), to chase her dream by watching the stars (floating lanterns exactly!) closely by the help of a man who claimed himself to have a 'superhuman-good-looks' (crap!) , Eugene the man (a thief!) who steals my 'tiara', I mean, princess's tiara...

Do you know what is my point here? It means she wished to see the floating lanterns during half of my birthday! Half of my life, half of myself, half of my everything just to see the floating lanterns!!! Frantically she did it by sharing half of her journey with the 'flinch' rider, I mean Flynn Rider A.K.A. (Also Known As) Eugene ('Fist-The-Bird')... Fitzherbert. Coincidentally, adding up twice half of her age is my freaking-tangled age of thirty-six! That half already 'tangled' me today... sigh!

Funny part is the more I've tried to get out from this 'tangled' , the more it tangled with coincidences such as... 'present'-ly, this movie. I wished I can ask Rapunzel to let me borrow her pan & allow me to smack Eugene's head for the 4th time! It is not I don't like to have half of me owned by somebody else with 'superhuman good looks', but I don't like working my ass alone doing 'standing ovation' to all those demotivated words by Mother (Go-To-Hell) Gothel!

Wait! If I give him the 4th smacks, that's mean... 9 times 2 is 18, and 4 times 9 is 36. If 36 divide by 2, that'll make it 18! 'Tangled' is the 4th CGI-animated movie by Walt Disney Animation Studios & the 2nd most expensive film ever made, and the most expensive animated film by the studio. So where's the 9th comes from? I don't like to mention this, but that's the half part where the artistic style 'tangled' with the 18th century, Rococo paintings of French artist Jean-Honore Fragonard, particularly 'The Swing'... emerged! Hmm... lets keep the 4th for a reality. Heee...

Anyway, it is not that Rapunzel don't like half of her is taken by Eugene, a thief with 'superhuman good looks' who had a 2nd thought if her hair could grant him with 'superhuman strength', but she is fighting her life to get out from the people like Mother 'Go-To-Hell' Gothel, a big fat liar who will do anything to 'save' a powerful being to themselves alone, the type of human who would say something like this...

This type of people like Mother Gothel will say something nice like this but usually they will say it with a medium. Without a medium, they cannot speak the words sincerely to your face, if they do... they look even worse than a chameleon... because their love is THE MEDIUM! (Gulp! Using a medium?! I did that to express my feeling about someone through mediums, but the mediums are my words to express my feeling to someone! So I'm Pascal... ok!)

Something like Pascal, the chameleon, changing skin color is a different concept overall compared to changing words... changing words mean you're a liar (I admit, I did that once I thought for your protection... Flynn Rider! Or... are you Eugene 'Fist-the-Bird'?). A liar only say other people's are lying when exactly they are the one who is lying by saying about a subject but their mind focus at other subject. Like accusing Rapunzel for being pretentious, exactly Mother Go-To-Hell is the one who pretends to the world & used Rapunzel as her lying shield! How about something more convincing lies from Mother Gothel such as these...

So you see Eugene, that's the hardest part of being Rapunzel when her power is 'tangled' to her body. It's like missing the part is like missing the whole thing about her. Now as she gained a new power by loving you, she is in a quest to fight Mother Gothel the best she could. She won't mind even if she has to be with Mother Gothel forever just to save you! But Rapunzel knows best now, she's not afraid to die but she's afraid to see you die first before her for she wants you to live & continue her legacy. Because Eugene, you see the world much better than she did... that's why she chose you.

Seriously this movie really seems to speak my language, doesn't it? 'TRUST ME' is like a word I spontaneously used all the time in order to convince people sincerely that my words are true~! But it will not be true & sincere if you hear other people saying it. That the others I meant are the 'Mother Go-To-Hell wannabe'! Funny how it may seemed, this movie really has a scene specifically emphasized on saying 'TRUST ME!'... sigh!

Now back to the Mother Go-to-Hell issues, this type of people seriously the most dangerous parasites in the community, much worse than AIDS! They will speak untruly about other people so they can stand out like a 'charming lady' who has everything! Worse part, they will even lie about things they never did but they said they did it without flaws!

But because Mother Gothel is a great liar, feeling like a scum is already a numb feeling in her heart that makes her feels great every time you feel like you want to spit on her face. Yet because she knows she has Rapunzel & the title as Rapunzel's mother, nobody will dare to hurt whatever belongs to the lovely princess, right? Not until Rapunzel do it first...

More so, Mother Gothel is the type of people who will never give up & never surrender to their lies because lying is like a food to their souls, not having one, is like losing the love of their life! Like how Mother Gothel felt when she was about to lose Rapunzel... her biggest lie to the world!

Look at that! She can even tell a lie to her own face without a trace she looks like a scum... when exactly she really told to herself that she is a scum!

So you see Eugene, this girl named Rapunzel is not trying to be smart or outsmart anyone. She's just being her & she will do anything to convince her man. The problem is... when she's just an innocent being who happened to be at the wrong place & at the wrong time, you immediately think everything is wrong (even when she thought you were wrong?!). You happened to find her while she was trapped in a moment she shouldn't be, so what was the purpose of your existence in her life? Too bad if you think I'm smart, when you should be smarter, Chuck!
"No! You were wrong about the world. You were wrong about me! And I will never let you use my hair again!"

— Rapunzel

Because from now on, my hair... (I mean!) my power will only be use for you, Eugene, he who has the 'superhuman good looks' (not the 'superhuman strength' ya!). And through you, the world can share my power! Not in the world I will ever let you go even Mother Go-to-Hell is trying her best to spread lies to your ears about me. You are just a dead man in my arms, Eugene. That's why you live, because I live! Got that?! Muahaha!