Monday, January 30, 2012

you EAT to PRAY for LOVE... the balance.

As a writer, the hardest thing to do is to begin the first sentence to complete the whole writing—unless you are inspired enough. Or else, plan for the right title then writes foolishly! So I did the second method, here it is...

"A woman in search of a word..."

— said Sofi, Elizabeth Gilbert's best friend in Rome.

A writer is a thinker, we think even when we look or watch something. But we stop thinking to listen how other people are thinking when they speak out their words—at this moment, we imagine while they are talking. Most people who don't understand a writer, when we think, they thought we are out of our mind—crazy, close to that. But we love writing, so we don't care what they think about us because in the end, they will read our writing to fix them or make them go crazy. Especially when such writing made a big hit as a box-office movie like the adaptation of 'Eat, Pray, Love' by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Man... how I long to watch this movie since I knew Julia Roberts is the main cast. I love the way she acts, she moves, she laughs & when she's about to cry by saying something. She has a beauty that is so unique—She's adorable even when she looks messy!

"Sometimes to lose balance for love is part of living balanced life..."
— said Ketut Liyer, the famous palm reader from Bali.

I have a heart of a woman, no doubt about that. Since I fell in love with someone, my heart totally turns to be a woman. Is it because I fell in love with a man or is it because that's how you fall in love with a woman? Either way you cannot doubt knowing a man like Felipe (Javier Bardem) will sure make you feel safe in the arms of a lover who you can trust with all your heart; he haven't had sex for 10 years, loving a son like a loving mother & saying the right words to love. So I have no doubt Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts) is the man in this movie, a champion! So that will make Felipe, the real champion who made a champion... so it seems.

When this movie was released in Malaysia, I had no desire to go to cinema & watch it. I was still battling with my inner-self to love or not love that someone... then I gave up & admit I'm in love yet hardly for me to express my own feeling. Last night I've decided to give up waiting after more than a month being a fool in a love quest for an answer.

Today, I've changed my mind after watching this movie, I'll wait... but without hope. How's that? I've waited a year to understand what were all those coincidences meant when none of us can search the right word to describe our fate—even when I eat a lot, pray a lot... but... then I stumbled to a point where I didn't love a lot because I just realized a fact ( less than a month ago)—to love someone is to love everybody, but to love everybody is not the way to love someone. So here I'm waiting with no hope of return to be love the same way by thee, but loving someone no matter how distance we are from each other, at least I've said it... digitally. Not enough, right? But at least I've started somewhere!

It was wrong for her to say the words to Felipe but it was right for her to say it to her former husband, Steven. Because Steven taught her to be a selfish bastard because Steven's dream is only to have her. It was Steven who played the wrong song during her special day. All she wanted was her love one to really play the song they both cherished, not changed the plan by playing another song just because the mood of the environment was different. Supposedly, love never changes by mood of the environment...

Watching & listening to this movie is like an expression of myself. Just that I haven't start traveling my body as far as she did to understand my emptiness. But by watching & listening to it, I've traveled far enough to understand the meaning of falling in love... truly fall in love & purely love someone.

Charming guy only knows how to show off & charms you. Adorable guy will wants to have you in his arms & be with you. But gorgeous guy will wait by the bar looking at you hoping you don't do what he doesn't want you to do. Among all these three, being in love is all about taking the gorgeous one—the one that will not taking corners just to have you around or brings you in the water to make you wet in the mud. The one that in the end will reaches you & loves you truly, who keeps you in balance, not mirror you, that's definitely gorgeous!

"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave. A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master..."
Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

Tutti, Let it be...

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